Pink Wombat's Hideout

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Wombat Grows Up

And so it is.... The wombat is officially 21... and 3 days.
Ah, the age of adulthood, legality, clubs, casinos, alcohol (in certain countries)... The point of no return... ITS ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE!! MUAHAHAHAA...

Life's supposed to move really fast frm this point onwards... After 21, none of your birthdays actually matter anymore (or so i heard), and nothing short of a HUGE achievement will actually justify your existance. (in today's materialistic world : high-prospect career, happily married with a couple of screaming kids, funky car, big house with gates laced with those gold decoration that people always steal etc...)

Hmm.. what a lot to look forward to huh? NOO i refuse to believe! It'll be good...It has to beee....

I do hope though...that some things remain the same. Holding on to a lot of hope here... but here's to great friendships, holidays that celebrate the small things, lovable dogs that snort, health all around, someone warm to love, food, fun, megasales....and...A neverending quest for WORLD PEACE *trademark cheezy grin*

And of course, an assortment of cheesy grins. Something I've learnt along the 20 years of being alive and kicking. Smiles really do move the world along. Happy happee...

Ok, one of my dogs just puked outside. They both look guilty. In an i'm-not-guilty kinda way. Off i go to find the culprit! TOODLES


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