Wow. It's been some time huh?
Heheh...well, nothing's really happened since then except for the surprise bday party (planned by him and my bestest friend) and a mystery birthday trip to Bali!! Pics later. Summmer was great. And now I'm back in good old gray England - where it's Carbs galore and sunny about 2 days a week!!
It's just so nice knowing that I'm blogging to an entirely faceless world... Unlike in the past blog, whereby I had to watch what i REALLY wanted to say because you could trace the blog down REALLY easily through certain links and certain people...
Therefore, very unlike a blog. More like a general public-look-at-my-pics kinda page. Same effect with Yahoo picture albums. Just happy shots of people and emotionless captions at the bottom that give you a surface into what really is.
Hmm...bruce is being really noisy in the corridor...i think she's running around and screeching... "heheheh... *screeeecchh*...heheheee...". Bruce? SHE? Yep, ladies and gentlemen...introducing my new gripe of this year (and the last). She WILL be a prominent gripe, so please DO get cozy with seeing BRUCE or THE SHARK littered on my less feel-good days bloggings. She looks like Bruce the HUGE shark from Finding Nemo. Hence the name.
3rd year's been pretty busy... Although there are only 4 hrs of classes a week! No tutorials. Am taking French and Ballet as a side, so i won't rot and grow moss in my room.
Just got out of a very painful and hot shower. Darn the accomodation people who changed my shower head... now it BEATS water down on you. But just felt compelled to stay in there and let the events of the day just roll over me...
So many things to ponder over. Like why does something an old friend of mine told me affect me so much NOW? Before he knew me, a long time ago, supposedly some petty girls were spreading rumours of me backstabbing people back in high school. I was shocked and upset. I mean, I always thought my life through high school and college was the PEACHIEST time ever! It was the best, I had the best groups of friends, good life, good everything. Why would some people I HARDLY KNOW want to do that? The only thing I could think of is that they were jealous of something, perhaps? But why would people stoop so low? Why to me anyways? At least I can put faith into knowing that none of the people i call real friends, close friends, would EVER do that to me. These people are the ones who know you well and through. And that's all anyone needs really. Those losers can go hide in their holes and hope someone wants to be their friends. Anyways...we had a long talk, my friend and I, and i'm just gonna let it slide. Guess you can't stop people from saying things about you no matter what you do or didn't do. Backstabbing. Ironic. Pot calling kettle black.
And I just feel so detached from the Significant Other (S.O.) right now. He gets moody too easily, and when i needed someone to hear me out about my upsetness, he stays too self-absorbed and dismisses my friends as not real friends. Which I've heard from him TOO many times. But I KNOW my friends and i keep them all close to my heart cuz i know what we've been through. I HATE being put down and made to feel worse about myself and i hate it even more when I am made to feel worse about my friends. If I were to choose now, it would be the same answer I had all through my life. I would choose my friends.
It worries me now though, how different we are... Like how each time we have a fight or disagreement, I am immediately in my 'break up now, NOW before it's too late' mindset. I'm such a wuss. And that really scares me, how i think i've got so much faith in something, and the moment something doesn't feel right, i just want to bail. I know I'd never do that to a friend, so why someone who is supposed to be the most cherished thing in your life? *besides my pug, of course*
On a bright and sunny side... i think my boss is getting married!! During tea break today (yes, we get 30mins teabreak at work - PAID), they talked about how professional photographers were too expensive, and that they were getting it done at a registrars office in Beverley. Whoopee. Time to don them pretty hats and throw pink rice-confetti! Btw, i THINK he might be gay too. Hee.
Heheh...well, nothing's really happened since then except for the surprise bday party (planned by him and my bestest friend) and a mystery birthday trip to Bali!! Pics later. Summmer was great. And now I'm back in good old gray England - where it's Carbs galore and sunny about 2 days a week!!
It's just so nice knowing that I'm blogging to an entirely faceless world... Unlike in the past blog, whereby I had to watch what i REALLY wanted to say because you could trace the blog down REALLY easily through certain links and certain people...
Therefore, very unlike a blog. More like a general public-look-at-my-pics kinda page. Same effect with Yahoo picture albums. Just happy shots of people and emotionless captions at the bottom that give you a surface into what really is.
Hmm...bruce is being really noisy in the corridor...i think she's running around and screeching... "heheheh... *screeeecchh*...heheheee...". Bruce? SHE? Yep, ladies and gentlemen...introducing my new gripe of this year (and the last). She WILL be a prominent gripe, so please DO get cozy with seeing BRUCE or THE SHARK littered on my less feel-good days bloggings. She looks like Bruce the HUGE shark from Finding Nemo. Hence the name.
3rd year's been pretty busy... Although there are only 4 hrs of classes a week! No tutorials. Am taking French and Ballet as a side, so i won't rot and grow moss in my room.
Just got out of a very painful and hot shower. Darn the accomodation people who changed my shower head... now it BEATS water down on you. But just felt compelled to stay in there and let the events of the day just roll over me...
So many things to ponder over. Like why does something an old friend of mine told me affect me so much NOW? Before he knew me, a long time ago, supposedly some petty girls were spreading rumours of me backstabbing people back in high school. I was shocked and upset. I mean, I always thought my life through high school and college was the PEACHIEST time ever! It was the best, I had the best groups of friends, good life, good everything. Why would some people I HARDLY KNOW want to do that? The only thing I could think of is that they were jealous of something, perhaps? But why would people stoop so low? Why to me anyways? At least I can put faith into knowing that none of the people i call real friends, close friends, would EVER do that to me. These people are the ones who know you well and through. And that's all anyone needs really. Those losers can go hide in their holes and hope someone wants to be their friends. Anyways...we had a long talk, my friend and I, and i'm just gonna let it slide. Guess you can't stop people from saying things about you no matter what you do or didn't do. Backstabbing. Ironic. Pot calling kettle black.
And I just feel so detached from the Significant Other (S.O.) right now. He gets moody too easily, and when i needed someone to hear me out about my upsetness, he stays too self-absorbed and dismisses my friends as not real friends. Which I've heard from him TOO many times. But I KNOW my friends and i keep them all close to my heart cuz i know what we've been through. I HATE being put down and made to feel worse about myself and i hate it even more when I am made to feel worse about my friends. If I were to choose now, it would be the same answer I had all through my life. I would choose my friends.
It worries me now though, how different we are... Like how each time we have a fight or disagreement, I am immediately in my 'break up now, NOW before it's too late' mindset. I'm such a wuss. And that really scares me, how i think i've got so much faith in something, and the moment something doesn't feel right, i just want to bail. I know I'd never do that to a friend, so why someone who is supposed to be the most cherished thing in your life? *besides my pug, of course*
On a bright and sunny side... i think my boss is getting married!! During tea break today (yes, we get 30mins teabreak at work - PAID), they talked about how professional photographers were too expensive, and that they were getting it done at a registrars office in Beverley. Whoopee. Time to don them pretty hats and throw pink rice-confetti! Btw, i THINK he might be gay too. Hee.
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