So busy I haven't had time to breathe, let alone feel. But this is what the weekend is for... SO, HELLO WEEKEND
All I've done this week is drown myself in supervisor meetings, arranging meetings to interview my case studies, staying hours in the library doing project research, and even more hours in the language centre studying for my French test..
And now, another reason to visit the language centre more often - to learn spanish! A couple of friends and I are going to Barcelona, Spain in mid-December. We've booked the flights, 25 pounds return, my friends' are settling accomodation, Mohamed and Paul are gonna get the language books, and I just need to compile an itenary. I'll put my meditating-Tibetian mountains on hold just now. Spain's still a much needed break! MUCH needed.
I know I've been talking about visiting Spain FOREVER... And I've always envisioned it as a couple-trip with him. But I guess if it were so, it would've taken more than the 15 minutes it took us to plan it... and also, with friends, you're guaranteed a good time without tears.
And now... MON GRAND-PERE. Had a dream two nights ago about my grandfather. Woke up teary. He was old and sick and had problems walking. We went early to KL to get a bus to this special bank. The bus made us wait 5 hours. Then when the crowd piled in, the bus moved. And I realized my grandpa was still struggling to catch up with the bus. I kept pleading with the bus driver to stop and turn around to get my grandpa, that he's sick and we've waited 5 hours. With a moody reluctance, he turned around, we searched for my grandpa, found him on the sidewalk, i went down to get him, with a small white furry puppy in my arms. I let the puppy down to help my granpa to the bus, the puppy kissed a baby crawling on the sidewalk, and I woke up.
Kept wishing I could go back to sleep so I can have another few hours with my granpa. It didn't matter that I overslept 2 hours which was supposed to be my project-time, I had 2 hours with my granpa.
Upon consulting my trusty dream dictionary :
BUS - we are aware of the need to be on the move, be with other people, with whom we have a common aim. Arriving too early denotes that we are having difficulty with our external lives and perhaps should re-evaluate how we want to live our lives. Going the wrong way means there are conflicting needs and desires and we need to be aware of our own inner intuition, usually a warning of a wrong action.
BABY - If the baby is someone else', we need to be aware of that person's vulnerability, and to recognize that we cannot interfere in a certain situation. On a spiritual level, the dreamer has a need for a feeling of purity.
Bank - a secure spiritual space, from which we can manage our resources (material, emotional, mental, spiritual). Suggsts resources held in reserve for uses as we need them.
Grandparents - our attitude towards them and to the traditions and beliefs handed down by them
If it applies to one's real life situation as it implies that it does, I kinda think I know what my subconscious is trying to say. And i find comfort in that.